Q. What do I need to record a deed of conveyance? 
 You will need to bring the original signed deed into the clerks office, then it will be reviewed to see if all the requirements are met to put the deed on record.

Q. What should I do if my taxes have been sold?
 You first need to find out the person, or company that purchased the taxes.  Then you will need to contact that person or company.

Q. What are the requirements for obtaining a marriage license?
 You will need a photo ID for the persons wanting to be married. 

Q. How much will it cost to obtain a marriage license?
 As of this time a marriage license cost  $ 35.50.

Q. What do I need to renew my vehicle registration?
 You need to bring the card (Motor Vehicle Tax and/or Registration Renewal Notice,  that was sent to you, however if you do not have that card for some reason, you need to have your current vehicle insurance.

Q. How do I get a Lien taken off of my vehicle’s title?
 You need to contact the bank or person that is the lien holder.  They will then send a release to the county in which the lien is filed.  You will then take the title of the vehicle in question that has the lien to that County’s Clerks Office.  The clerks will then assist you in removing the lien from the vehicle.

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